Seeing is Feeling: A Novel Haptic Display for Wearer-Observer Mutual Haptic Understanding

We propose a new haptic display that enables mutual understanding of haptic sensation between the wearer and an observer.In addition to presenting haptic sensations by inducing skin deformation, we have achieved creating a mutual understanding of the sensations with the observer by making the haptic stimulus evident.People have the ability to predict the sensations of others by observing their sensory states.The system is composed of a part that provides haptic stimulus while creating visible skin deformation, and a mechanical structure that visually exaggerates the deformation.The proposed system realizes richer interactions by extending the entertainment experiences of the observers during live content, increase understanding of internal states through biofeedback, and be used in remote haptic communication.

Arata Horie, Ryo Murata, Zendai Kashino, and Masahiko Inami. 2022. Seeing is Feeling: A Novel Haptic Display for Wearer-Observer Mutual Haptic Understanding. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Emerging Technologies (SA ’22 Emerging Technologies). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 8, 1–2.


  • Research